It's official! I now know for sure that the governor of California IS an insane FOOL. Just now found out he is continuing to push his idiotic ideas to 'Make California cleaner and greener." As all leftists want to do, make people afraid and tell them life will be bad if they don't follow rules to protect themselves from germs, dirt and breathing dangerous air.
It's a another way to control people by frightening them into doing things THEY, the Left wants and by ruining the peoples enjoyment of life AND making citizens poor.
Keep OUT of California, you will be poor, have nothing and be a slave to the government.
On my facebook page I wrote this:
Maybe you've seen the post about this guy who told me he didn't like Trump. I tried to talk to him but he walked away and refused to talk to me. WELL, for those who are like that, THINK about it. Does your hate and misinformation about President Trump mean you'd rather like to live in a Socialist world? Where everything is regulated, no hope of having a better life. Fixed prices so you can never save by buying things on sale. Where getting medical care is the decision of the government. Medical tests, operations delayed and , long waits to see a doctor. Is that what you want? Just because the left media has made President Trump seem like an awful person and left followers believe that nonsense. Really? Well, IMO anyone who votes for Kamie is a selfish unthinking idiot. MAGA. NOT Communist.
Dateline August 28, 2024
How long has it been since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade? Ok, that's when I 1st told of this event. I was taking an art class (on line at the time) at a local Jr. College. As each student would 'appear in class' we can see them. The day after the Row v Wade decision happened this lady comes into class crying. I seriously thought someone in her family died. Everyone started asking her what happened and was deeply concerned. She said, 'The court'. Ohhhh! Then they all knew and started cackling about the 'dumb' judges and how terrible, as if it was the end of the world(remember, I'm in California) . FF to today and the democrat campaign. They are still using that as an issue. Here's where it becomes idiotic, do they REALLY know what the court said and what the decision meant? No, I think not, they are too stupid. Kamie wants to change things back. LOL, jokes on them, because it was more restrictive then when the Feds made the rules. Now with each state making its own rule some states, including California are way more liberal as to when an abortion can be done. I think it's funny to watch the hysterics when they don't even know what they are getting upset about. If, Kamie were to change it back, it would stop more abortions. They are too stupid to figure that out.
{The sad thing is, that goes for everything else the leftists want to do and the followers think those are good things too. Fixing prices? Dumb, dumb, DUMB!}
Dateline: August 19, 2024
How can anyone, unless stupid as a rock, vote for a Leftist Democrat such as Kamie?
We know polls are not accurate but, some of them say she, the Bimbo is even with President Trump. How can there be SO many ignorant people who'd consider voting for a Moron Bimbo who can only laugh when she is avoiding answering a question?
August 2024
Since I heard this morning on the radio station that I often listen to, that Kamie has 2 faces, one for the public (I guess that's the one where she looks like a blooming IDIOT) the other with her staff where she yells, insults and swears at them.
SO! I'm going to say,:
Instead of as I have been calling her, a Bimbo Bitch, Kamie is a Asshole Bimbo Bitch. She lies, she's not intelligent by any means, she'll do whatever it takes (WHATEVER) to get what she wants. Her ideas and policies are against freedom and the will of most of the citizens of the USA.
It is a puzzle as to why anyone would vote for her.
July 21, 2024
The Moron in the White House, biden is NOT going to run anymore. (Hope that wasn't one of his lies.) Hope he remembers he said that.
Anyone foolish enough to think bide was a viable candidate WOULD probably vote for Kamie. We were hoping biden would stay in so for sure President Trump would win but Kamie, that Bimbo (even if she isn't blond, LOL), she can't put two thoughts together.
HA! If you think biden was difficult to understand WAIT for Kamie. We'll have some big time laughs trying to listen to her.
Side note, PLEASE Lord don't let Newscum in the race. Although with his ego I don't think he'd want to be 2nd and to a woman but if he's anywhere around some people in other States might not know how awful he is, how he dragged California down. That he'd love to do the same to the Nation. He's a creep. Lower than a worm. Oh, wait worms are beneficial. Newscum is like the Swamp of whichthat President Trump is getting rid
Never mind, he's part of the swamp that President Trump is getting rid.
July 5, 2024
So it seems, people on the Left can NOT debate or converse logically. After only a few moments of questioning they turn and run.
It always ends that same way and is a waste of time. It happens on line a lot, they never reply but this is the 1st time in person. I give up.
Here's what happened:
I go to events with a group I'm in. I see and know some of the people in the group but only am friends with a few. The others, we just say a friendly hello, not much more than that.
The other day I was at an event wearing my red MAGA hat. This guy, who I only know slightly comes up to me, that's important to remember. He says, the letters on my hat should be MADA so of course I 'take the bate'. What do you mean? He proceeds to tell me the D is for dictator. Trump will turn the country into a dictatorship. He then walks away. Remember, he started it! I'm just minding my own business. No one else in the group ever commented on it.
I can't let that go by without at least asking him to explain so a few moments later I walk over to him and ask, why would he want to vote for biden. That's important also, as I especially want to know reasons someone would like biden Not what they think of President Trump.
But that's exactly what he did. He only went on and on about what Trump did. Trump lies, is a felon [with 34 counts], which shows this guy knows nothing about the law. He went on and on and ON with everything he probably saw on the left wing media. I tried to get a word in to comment, if I did, he replied with that's a lie or some such nonsense. Finally when he said Trump wouldn't let the FBI or whomever have the classified papers, I as quick as I could I said, biden took papers that he wasn't supposed to then I tried to add that biden took them when he wasn't even president. That's a no no. So, LOL this guy says, Yes but biden gave them back. LOL LOL that's how they think. Gave them back??? So that makes it alright? If a criminal steals something but gives is back, does that make it that the crime didn't happen?
Then! As I kept trying to reason with him, and as he wouldn't let me get a word in nor answer my try at asking questions, then he just walks away. I told him he's getting the wrong information and doesn't know what he's talking about. As he's turning away to leave he says to me, You don't know anything, actually I don't remember his exact words but it was insulting. I give up, it's no use. These people are completely brainwashed. There's no hope. I still want to believe that there are less of them but others who are not closed minded.
In conclusion:
Those of us who are not idiots must counter the foolish and VOTE. (Don't leave it up to someone else. Let's not loose to the ignorant and dishonest.)
After the 'Debate'
July 2024
SEE! I told you and have been saying it for over a year, The Moron in the White House, biden, IS a mental defective.
I've been vindicated!
April 29, 2024
Tonight on the news there was a story about a gang of bank robbers who were caught. One died by jumping from a 3 story building, trying to get away. When he landed on the ground he had a so called 'assault' rifle that fell with him.
I guess he didn't know those kind of guns are illegal.
My question is, do the idiot politicians who make laws banning guns know about incidents such as that? Criminals who go around committing crimes with GUNS! WOW! Who would have known?
Don't politicians think enough to figure out passing laws keeping guns away from citizens to protect themselves is NOT helping stop evil people from using guns?
This is what happened:
March 22, 2024
I get, as many of us do, SPAM calls all day. Sometimes I pick them up just so I can say VOTE for TRUMP then hang up.
Most of the calls are from the Philippines or India. They usually hang up but EVERY once in a while someone will speak clear English and understand what I said and will talk to me.
Today was one of those days. However, when we 'debated' he said Trump is not a nice person. I said biden is awful, he has lied about everything. We exchanged such talk for a minute or so. I told him to listen to both sides because he's not hearing everything. He said he does. He said Israel should stop fighting and I said if Trump was president there wouldn't have been a war or fighting in the 1st place.
Every time I said he doesn't know what he's talking about because he doesn't know the truth, he said he does listen to both sides. I think NOT. I think being in a foreign country he is not exposed to all information. If people would stop and think and listen to facts and the real truth, then how would they think biden and the left are helping people? It seems people in the USA are not hearing more than one side of the news either. There are a lot of uninformed Americans also.
Just as the people in my political psychology class who are mostly leftist and have their minds made up. They refuse to accept that things were better with President Trump.They believe the leftist lies and don't try to listen to another points of view. Otherwise how can't they see things are worse now with biden?
Taking down statues, hiding product packages, etc., etc. Why are 'they' so afraid? I have a theory, I call it the 'Sleeping Beauty' syndrome. The left is horrified of what could happen they hide the truth. Just as the King hid the spinning wheels from Beauty. When she saw one, she didn't know what it was and pricked her finger on the needle and 'died'. The prince saved her with a kiss (the truth) I say, IF people are given the truth they will have the freedom to choose their own destiny.
The reason why people vote for morons.
Dateline: March 3, 2024
People who are uneducated think they are smart. They don't want to think someone is any more intelligent than they are so they vote for others who are their equal or less. If the voter is stupid they will vote for an imbecile such as Katie Porter, She acts and talks like a retard. Therefore do we conclude that leftist democrats are idiots?
When voters are intelligent they will vote for someone who is at least as intelligent as they are because they understand he will lead them to a better life.
Leftist in Schools
Dateline February 12,2024
I didn't want to believe what many are saying but it's True!
I started taking a class, Political Psychology. The professor pretends poorly, to be objective but it is evident he is NOT. Nor are any of the other students, judging from the questions and discussions I've heard so far. They believe that President Trump ordered the 'insurrection' at the White House among other idiotic Left wing ideas.
Some good though .... I think I've made one enemy so far when I sent a message to her after she remarked about climate change and Al Gore as if he's a genius because he wrote a book about it.
I merely said, 'The climate changes. It always has since the beginning of Earth. Man can not change Nature.'
Was I wrong?
She wrote back, pretty much saying, she respects what I say but doesn't agree and did not want to talk about it further.
That's usually what I get on facebook too. Ask a serious question, trying to debate and understand what they think but get no reply.
Makes one wonder! What don't or can't they say? I think they only want to frighten people to gain control. So all they can do is say there's a problem but can't explain what or how it works. They are happy to get people confused and indoctrinated.
Electric Cars
Dateline: January 2024
What is the purpose of electric cars? They are too expensive to fuel, with the cost of electricity always going up. They catch fire too easily. They freeze in cold weather or go slower. They don't go far on one charge, it is time consuming to wait for them to charge, to continue a journey. If power is out in a community there is no way to charge them at all. There are more reason but the most important one is, the cost of the materials to manufacture the batteries. Many of the chemicals are NOT renewable. Whereas gas ('fossil fuel') IS renewable. Therefore, it is selfish to drive an electric car, using up resources of the Earth that can not be recovered for something that is not practical.
Anyone who buys or drives an electric car is selfish and ignorant.
Dateline December 29, 2023
Oil = Simply, a pole in the ground/ocean brings up oil. Used for gas to power cars and make all the things that people use in daily life.
It is plenty and renewable.
Electric cars = use batteries that, cause pollution and are a danger to living things. The products needed to make the batteries causes destruction to Earth.
Which one is better?
Man vs.. Nature
Dateline December 28, 2023
Why is there so much obsession with the changing climate?
It changes! Has been since the begging of Earth.
Does Mankind think it can fight nature? Mankind, one small speck in the Universe wants to keep the climate the same as it is in one moment in time. NOT HAPPENING.
But commie hate filled people want to cause as many problems for those who only want to live their lives. Democrat commie leftists keep thinking of things to cause as much difficulty as they can.
This time they are calling it "Climate Change". Does anyone know what that means? Looks like most don't since they say things that don't make sense.
The leftists are trying to make the population afraid of something they can't control. It's a scam on the public. A way to con people out of money or control them through fear.
Seems like it will never stop. However, the Right won't stop either and will win when the ignorant finally see they are being controlled.
Education is the key but the leftists are trying to keep people from learning true information. More on that subject later. Don't trust anything on the Internet. Check and check again to find out if it's correct.
The Changing Weather
I'm so sick of ignorant and uneducated people being afraid of climate change.
What is the BIG deal?
The climate started changing the moment the Earth was formed. It has been changing ever since.
There have been Ice Ages, there have been warming ages of the Earth. At one time in Egypt it was much more green with vegetation than the sand of today.
When conditions change Humans as well as other animals migrate to other locations.
And by the way solar panels and electric cars harm the Earth more than whatever some idiots think is hurting the environment.
November 8, 2023
November 1, 2023
My congressman posted a message on his facebook page about lowering the cost of health care. He pointed out it was DEMOCRATS who did this. U.S. Rep. Tony Cardenas is always dividing us and the congress. Why can't he JUST do his job and HELP us citizens instead of wasting his time pointing out who does what. JUST Do It, U.S. Rep.Tony Cárdenas The government needs to stay OUT of our health care. LOWER taxes, then we can pay for our health care. The idiotic aca, O'Bumble Care is a bunch of garbage. It's is a SCAM, stop pushing the propaganda of health care on us.
I saw that Page, above on facebook. From gov. Newscum of California. An official web site asking for volunteers to "help shape the future of California".
I wonder WHO he wants to help 'plan' the future of California? Is he going to be sending out only people who believe as he does, a leftist dictator mentality. Where the State controls all that the people can do?
***Friday, October 27, 2023
Several years ago I went to a car show in Los Angeles. There was this car on display, an electric car. I had never heard of them, it was a prototype, they were not yet sold to the general public. I talked to the guy demonstrating it. 1st question I asked, What happens to the battery when it stops working? He didn't have an answer. Guess what, all these years later .... they STILL don't have an answer. Is that supposed to be saving the environment?
That's only the beginning of the problems. Nothing is completely safe. That's a left wing view of everything, that we should live in an UTOPIA. Not happening. Any Leftists reading this .... use your brains. Deal with it! Life is not perfect.
*** October 19, 2023
I don't know, I don't follow politics much but is it common for a the governor of a state to visit other countries when there is tension between governments? I mean what business is it of Gruesome Newscum of California to go to Israel at a time of war when they need to concentrate on the bombs, not talk to a commie from California. Newscum is NOT a Federal representative of the USA.
Bottom line: We here in California are suffering under that creep, Newscum. We have tremendous problems. People sleeping in the streets, HIGH gas prices, way high taxes, way high cost of everything AND criminals not being locked up, crime out of control. So, WHY is the governor OUT of the state doing who knows what elsewhere?
Yes, of course war, destruction is terrible anywhere but who does Newscum think he is that HE is important enough to go to a place that the president of a country should go?
******After reading the paragraph below, and knowing how the leftist democrats are so hateful they are trying to seek revenge on someone who has spoken up against them, can you think ... What next? Will they come for you if you have a difference of opinion?It is a puzzle, to me. What goes through the mind of anyone who votes for any of those leftists? Even if a voter didn't live through the actual history of the last many years, don't schools teach it anymore? People were risking their lives to defect from the Soviet Union and Cuba. I've known people from other countries who have told me about how in the middle of the night people are 'taken away' never to be seen again. We in the USA must never be afraid to speak up. And get rid (vote out) those who want to control us. Americans don't know what it's like to live in a country where they could be taken off the street by the police just for saying something against the king or government. UNTIL NOW. Ok, maybe not dragged off to a jail cell right away but will you say what you really think if it's not what someone else wants to hear?
(August 2023)
Pray for our President Trump. It is outrageous that he is being censored.
There are two kinds of people:
the ones who need to be told and
the ones who figure it out all by themselves.
Tom Lunacy
Is there a word for MORE than furious?
Because I am!
Just saw for the 1st time a commercial for the Acquit.
(October 18, 2022)
They want equality and all that crap then they went on and on AND ON about what the Supreme Court did.
Well, What do you think the Court did?
According to the ACLU, because of the court women no longer have control over their own bodies. BULLshit!
The court took those 'rights' away says the ACLU. BULLshit.
The court didn't *DID NOT* take any rights away.
When are the lies going to stop?
When are people going to think for themselves?
When are people going to read and understand what is happening instead of listening to propaganda?
Don't you just hate misinformation or news that's 'left out' of a 'news' story?
(September 3, 2022)
Here in Los Angeles, California when it ... LOL 'rains', never fails, in the news they call it a storm. Ok, some times we do get what an intelligent person would call rain but usually it's a drizzle. We get about 5 days a year when water of some sort falls from the sky. A STORM .... I think not! Does anyone actually know what a storm is? I've been in countries where the rain is SO heavy and loud it's almost scary. And it actually floods streets for days. People in Los Angeles are kind of ignorant. So, my point, NOW they are saying it's SO hot. No, it's not. I've lived in LA all my life for a lot of years and it's the same every year, a few days of extra warm weather and then not. Why does the news have to exaggerate everything to frighten people? Stop letting others control your life. Think, analyze what is being said before becoming frantic.
Americans are wimps. Why do some people think everything has to be perfect, all the time?
So, it's a little hot! Stand under a tree. LOL, same for picking out ONE illness (the China virus) and making it more of a problem than any other illness. People can and do get sick from all sorts of germs, WHY until now (the last 2 years) hasn't anyone made a big deal about the others? Life is not perfect, we don't and never will live in an Utopia. There are ups and downs all the time. Get over it!
(Just to let you know,not that you asked but my life has not been perfect, I've had my share of pain, disappointment and obstacles. JUST like all of us in one way or another. I broke my back in a car accident in my 20's and have pain ever since. As well as other health problems. I've been held back due to various situations different times, have had missed opportunities..I have gone without but also have not ever been hungry. Just your average person.I'll probably never be filthy rich but I can enjoy life with what I have. So, when I say 'deal with it'. I have done that. No use crying about something that's either out of your control or happened in the past. Figure out what to do and get off your ass, work around it, no one will help if you don't try.) Ok, Well you can let the government(everyone else) pay for you but you'll never be free to do more than just exist. You will be controlled and held back. The point is if you want a better life work out your problems and aim for something higher. Don't waste time dwelling on things that don't help.)
FREE, Free, free!
Dateline September 1, 2022
Ok, I realize various people have different levels of thinking BUT this isn't really that difficult for someone with average intelligence to understand.
Here's what happened:
In class today I overheard 2 people discussing a medical situation. One was complaining that it was a problem getting information from his health care provider, making appointments and other concerns. Then I heard the other person mention Kaiser. LOL, well that explained a lot. (Many people don't like the way people are treated there) I've always said it was like an assembly line. No personal interaction between doctors and patients.
At that point I said, if we (in the USA) ever have National Health Care or Universal Care we can expect more and worse of the same. I didn't say Low quality, rush (in and out) medical service.but that's what I meant.
The person appeared to be young, in her early 30's or about, she seemed to have an understanding of her surroundings. In other words not mentally deficient as biden shows when he's giving a speech, etc. She is.just your average citizen.
Then I couldn't believe what she said.
She said, "At least it would be free."
Do I need to explain what I was thinking?
I did reply, NO. It's not free, it's our taxes but then I forget, someone started to talk (about something else), in any case that was the end of that conversation.
Even IF, let's say for a moment that it really would be 'free' then there's that old saying. "You get what you pay for".
Is that what people want?
Standing in lines, waiting to see a doctor, probably not a doctor of their choice. Limited accses to drugs. Having to wait months for surgeries.
Do people think FREE Health Care means doctors won't get paid, the nurses, and ALL the accompany equipment doesn't have a price?
Where do they think the money will come from when that care is provided?
Are they really that STUPID?
My Teacher
Taking a class doesn't mean only learning about that subject. We often gain knowledge from people in many ways.
One of my photo teachers not only taught us how to take pictures but gave us information for life also.
I will never forget this one bit of wisdom.
For one thing it's exactly what is happening now because of that moron in the White House, bide.
Here's what Mr. Stevens said:
If you want a subject to photograph go over to the Theater Arts department and ask an acting student if they want some publicity shots. BUT, Mr. Stevens also said "never give photos away free (or in exchange for posing)." Because people don't appreciate what they get for free. They will stick the picture away in a drawer, never to be looked at by anyone.
He said, always charge them something if only a small amount because people respect, appreciate what they pay for or what has monetary value.
I guess that idiot in the White House, biden never had a class with any of my intelligent professors. The moron IS giving away OUR tax money to people who aren't going to appreciate what they've gotten. Not only that, there are several other reasons 'forgiving' student loans is a horrid idea.
While many won't appreciate it, others will be getting cheated.
We the tax payers are going to pay for others who will have an education. They should be able to make their own money to pay for what they chose to get. Their loan.
Students who didn't get a loan but worked in order to pay for their education, parents who saved to pay for their own child still others who ethically paid off their loan, how do they feel?
Many people have various kinds of loans.
I personally don't buy what I know I can't pay for so live a simple life and sometimes go without so I don't have to get a loan.
Others DO have loans for important things like medical bills, the necessity of a car, etc.
Fair? Equal? The Leftist Democrat way of doing things!
Seems to me the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Sure maybe at 1st someone couldn't afford a fancy school but they make money when they get out. Those who don't go to school and don't have a high paying job are the ones who will pay and keep paying for the ones with the job that makes more money..
*** Why we need MORE guns and less laws against them(dateline July 18, 2022):
Armed bystander credited with preventing more deaths in Indiana shooting.
GREENWOOD, And., July 18 (Reuters) - The gunman who killed three people in a shopping mall near Indianapolis would likely have taken many more lives if not for the "heroic" actions of an armed bystander who shot the suspect dead and stopped the attack, police said on Monday.
Elisjsha Dicken, 22, who was lawfully carrying a concealed pistol at the time, "engaged" the suspect on Sunday almost as soon he opened fire with a rifle in a food court at the Greenwood Park Mall in Greenwood, Indiana, authorities said. Police said they did not know the motive behind the rampage.
Editorial comment: When will we see more of these stories? They DO exisit but how many are not reported? Those morons who are SO upset about guns will never understand the harm and extent of their backward thinking.
Look at how little that news story expanded on what happened. That young man is a hero. Much more should be made of what he did. Instead the media makes 'saints' of those criminals who get killed as police try to arrest them. The world is upside down.
'D Day'
Eisenhower was instrumental in planning the invasion of Normandy. (I'm watching the movie 'The Longest Day' (it's July 9, today)). Then became president of the USA. Many other great men who did good things in their life went on to lead America. What has biden* ever done?
* He, biden is just an extension of O'Bumble who also did nothing, except divide the people of the United States and cause more crime and tension.
July 1, 2022
There is no other way to say it ... that man in the White House, biden, is a Fucking FREAK.
What does he mean we have to keep paying high gas prices? HE made them high and the left wants to keep people down by draining their money.
How do people NOT KNOW they are trying to enslave the world, making them dependant on the government.
*** One More for the Good Guys
Today, June 25, 2022 late afternoon, walking my dog. Crossing back across the street to my house there's someone else walking his dog near by. We pass each other, smile, then me and my big mouth, I always start a conversation. We chat a bit then he asked where's my house, I point. He says that one. No, I say this one with TRUMP (in big white letters painted in front). I shrug my shoulders as to say, that's it. He said Trump! I love him. I say OH! Thank you, we chat some more about how awful biden is and what he's doing to make things so bad. And, how he's blaming everyone but himself.
I said to the neighbor, he's not the only one around here that I've met who thinks the same.
(While I do interact with some who are hysterical Democrats, more often than not more agree with me when they see the little sign that I wear when out and about. It says "If you voted for biden, you're an idiot.")
How is it that the people elected are making life so miserable for so many, who's voting for them?
I'm meeting so many people who dislike biden. Could the election have been a fraud?
More News From the Bigots
Today, June 14, 2022 in my art class more 'insights' from those who don't have a clue.
I've been taking art classes with this one teacher at a local Jr. College. Took classes from a few different teachers at this school but I like this one certain teacher for her technique of pointing out what a picture needs.
Today was the 1st day of the Summer session. We didn't have a particular subject to work from as we usually do, we could do whatever we wanted this time.
Now I must go back and say, last semester which ended a couple of weeks ago, one assignment was to use a photograph of something in the news and paint it with our own interpretation.
The example from the teacher was the abortion protests against the Supreme Court. When we are finished or need help we hold up what we've done so the professor can critique it. One student held up her painting of the Russians invading Ukraine. Ok, so then I held up my picture (taken from my own 'news' photo of people rallying for President Trump (see photo above). 1st thing the teacher says (Unrelated to art or the class), she asked me if I'm ok with the subject matter? That was weeks ago.
So NOW, today someone holds up her picture (a collage made from cut out printed paper) and says she didn't realize at the time there was a little picture of a Donkey that she cut out and pasted on her work. She said when she saw it, it reminded her of 'Hope'. Teacher asked why? Well, said the student, "with all that's happened with the pandemic and all, the past couple of years, the Donkey symbolizes hope." (Editorial comment .... OMG how dense can people be???) Then teacher says what a good idea.
So! Let me get this right, I paint a picture suggesting President Trump, teacher questions my ideas. Someone else has a Donkey in their work and teacher thinks it's great?
Do I have that correct?
She's a knowledgeable teacher in Art at least and I like her so I'll keep studying with her. BTW, something a leftist if in reverse probably wouldn't do. But you see what I have to put up with in California.
Comment: it is beyond me HOW anyone can't see what's going on, not just in California with gas for cars going toward $7 a gallon and don't get me started on the cost of food in the market, but all over the world. (Although ..... good way to loose weight, not buying high priced cookies, etc.)
How in Hell don't people see what the left is doing and blame it on every and anything else?
Dateline May 7, 2022
Just got back from a lunch, with about 8 or 9 members of my book club, at a very nice British Pub. (good food*and service, BTW)
No book discussion this time just chit chat.
Someone mentioned her daughter wants to date someone and talked about what she is looking for in a person. Another woman, a lawyer said in her family there are many different races, nationalities and cultures. They have a family joke, as she told us in a very smug manor, 'You can marry any religion or culture just no one who smokes or is a Republican'. Everyone smiled, not me and you know ... it was all I could do to keep from saying, that would be the same for us except make that Democrat.
Thank goodness I kept quiet. Because that would have made me as much a bigot as she. AND then I wouldn't have something to write about here.
* BTW, Someone made a comment about how prices are going up. I also didn't say, Thanks to biden. Most wouldn't have understood anyway. You'd think, for people who like to read they'd be a little more knowledgeable.
This is what happened May 3, 2022:
Here's the setting:
In my on-line art class, an ART class people, remember that, it's an art class, we don't mention much else. People come into the room we say Hello! How are you? That's about it. We don't debate world affairs or current events.
Today this one lady looked so unhappy. Someone asked her how are you? She said "It's terrible" in a completely downtrodden voice. I thought she was going to say someone close in her family died. That's how sad she looked. Instead she then says,"The Supreme Court" referring to the possible decision about 'Roe vs. Wade' and the so called overturning the abortion law. She actually looked like she was going to cry.
She was overly upset that it would be struck down.
Don't people read information before they get hysterical?
In the 1st place, in the beginning all those years ago, the matter before the court was about Texas. The state of, not any other issue. It was about 'States Rights' not about if someone in all of the USA could get an abortion. Because they could, in some states.
Whatever the court decides now, abortions are not going to stop. That lady doesn't have to worry, women are still 'protected'.
Most of the people in my classes, OK, ALL of them are 'older adults' so whatever that lady is concerned about is not going to affect her life. (Just like that witch Nancy Pelosi who NEVER had to sleep on the streets and is rich enough to buy a plane to fly.... wherever and live a luxurious life, but she 'speaks' for others who will never afford any fancy life style) Why do people get so indignant for others with whom they have no connection? And no understanding of how another lives.
PS. Have you heard what the idiot governor in California (my state) is going to do. LOL as if he needs to, it's just for show. He's going to make California a sanctuary state for those who want an abortion. With TAX PAYERS money. Hey, if someone wants an abortion, who am I to stop them? However, I DO NOT want to pay for it. Damn gov. Newscum, I will call his office to tell him. LOL as if they care. He and his fellow leftist democrats are SCUM.
Editorial note:
Maybe it's a good thing for the left to want abortions. They are so stupid. It just means there will less of them to grow up and keep ruining all that they touch.
April 21, 2022
Here's what happened. While turning the TV channels this afternoon I briefly heard a news station say, 'And next, after the commercials ... We'll tell you when and where you can wear masks (in Los Angeles County or the State, I didn't pay attention)'.
This is AMERICA, since when did anyone get the power to tell me what, when or where I can wear whatever I want? This WAS ridiculous when the nonsense started (was it TWO years ago?). Now it's beyond stupid.
No one tells me what to do. I have enough knowledge to understand what I need for myself. As I'd like to assume most people also want to make up their own minds.
California leftist democrats just can't give up power, can they?
Those idiots are insane. It would be crazy of me to follow their 'advice'. Wearing a mask is a sign that a person wants to be controlled, can't think for themselves.
So, again I say (as I have from the start of the leftist would be hysteria) "People who wear masks look STUPID".
Finally It Happened
April 15,2022
I'd been waiting for the day. As I was writing FUCK* biden on the side of my house, something I've been doing for about a year. Every time it gets erased I put up another comment about biden or the government.
My neighbor after all that time approached me for the 1st time asking in a less than gentle voice, Why I do that? I said because people need to know what's going on. She said, Do I have to say fuck? I said, that's what I think they should do to him. She said, it makes the neighborhood look cheap. I said I'm ANGRY in more than a soft voice, as she started to walk away. I should have asked her if she's happy with higher prices for everything? But she was walking away, having said what she wanted to. I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted to discuss it. I know she wouldn't because when she 1st moved in I tried to start a conversation about politics, she didn't want to say anything. There's my point, people should know that most of us don't like what's going on. Staying quiet is not the answer.
* Usually I'm very sweet.
It's just TOO bad if people don't like to see angry words. I'm at the end of my rope. Another thing I should have said ... Writing on a wall is better than an angry person smacking a leftist in the mouth.
When is This Going to Stop?
April 14, 2022
Seems like we in the United States of America are getting worse in ever area of our lives. THANK YOU Creepident biden.
When are things going to start getting better?
Do I need to list ALL the problems? Extremely HIGH gas costs, food and other products are getting too expensive, all kinds of CRIME everywhere.
What happened to quality of life? Happiness? Free SPEECH? On top of that now we have to worry about our reserve gas supply, do I need to explain that too. Whomever is telling that mental defective, biden what to do is UNAmerican, dangerous and inconceivably stupid.
In Real Life - I Was Confronted by a Terrorist
March 14, 2022
Yes, they do exist. They are out there, with all their rage waiting to pounce.
Here's what happened:
I'm walking my dog as I usually do at this time of day. Many times I pass by others with or without their dogs. Some with young children. So far they've either smiled or said hello, a few stop to chat. I don't know most of the people but they all live around the area and I don't often see the same people each time. I always step aside and hold my dog close, in case they might be afraid of dogs.
A tall blond person was walking toward me with her two large what looked like Boxer dogs. As she got closer I stepped off the sidewalk onto a driveway with my smaller Cocker Spaniel.
OH, should mention, all the signs I have in front of my house saying 'If you voted for biden, you're an IDIOT' 'Kamie is a Commie', 'People who wear masks look stupid'. Stuff like that. AND I usually wear a little hand made sign around my neck with similar wording.
So, as I step aside and trying to be friendly I say 'my dog just wants to play, he's not going to bite.'. This lady (if you can call her that) asks me as she notices the sign I'm wearing, 'Why do I have those signs in front of my house?' I begin to answer, but she starts to yell at me. Calling me mentally ill (I am but what's wrong with that? LOL) She kept screaming, ... 'you watch too much TV' (forget the exact words but) something like too much FOX or Youtube.
As I tried to reply "I don't watch the news", she wasn't listening and got more hysterical and kept YELLING. I could not speak over her loud erroneous accusations. When I tried to answer her as she said I 'hate Democrat', I said YES, I do. The high gas prices, people loosing their jobs, etc., all because of Democrats. But, rather than have a quiet debate she walked off yelling, wouldn't listen to anything I tried to honestly answer.She also said something about the neighbors, I didn't hear exactly over her ranting. Could have been that they also didn't like what I do. HOWEVER, I get so many positive remarks in public when people see my little sign.
When President Trump was running and I had TRUMP 2020 on my house, one neighbor mailed me an anonymous letter thanking me. They could not say who they were (have since found out) because of their business. A couple of times when I was waking down the street, they've waived to me as they drive by.
This was the 1st time anyone viciously confronted me about my signs. And as you see, she was hysterical, irrational, calling me crazy when SHE was the one acting like a nut yelling without listening, out of control. She wouldn't hear any of the reasons Democrats have hurt so many people when I tried to reply. I was saying, people lost their jobs, businesses closed, gas is SO high. What is wrong with those people who refuse to see what's going on?
Well, that encounter was my big laugh for the day. So glad I could upset one more leftist.
Why Gender Matters, it doesn't
March 11, 2022
That guy in the White House, biden, wants to appoint someone to the Supreme Court. But NO it can't be someone who has a lot of intelligence or knowledge. It MUST only be someone who is also a certain color and gender. Why?
That Commie, Kamie is a good example of WHY, gender and color is NOT the way to choose someone to have a lot of control over our government and us.
Unintended Consequences
March 2, 2022
Accidentally saw part of the idiot speaking last night. Just as O'Bumble did, biden rambled on about what's happening but made no complete statement of how he's planned to make things better. Only talk, only reiteration of what is, not what will be or how anything will be done.
A waste of time watching that fool. Well not quite.
LOL there were all the times Kamie and Nancy kept jumping up, moment after moment clapping as a child in kindergarden would do. That was amusing.
(February 23, 2022)
The left, the democrats, they are trying to take over your life.
In certain areas of the USA we are being 'held down', stopped from living the life we decide we want. We are being told to do what others want us to do by their standards.
Don't follow without thinking, without analyzing, without understanding what you are being told. Don't be Chicken Little*. Be the little boy who saw that the Emperor had NO clothes. Listen to the warning of the Sleeping Beauty syndrome.
*For anyone and a younger generation who might not know about Chicken Little, he went around yelling "The sky is falling! The sky is falling". People started getting hysterical but all it was, an acorn fell on his head.
Don't let us be another Cambodia or other place where knowledge is killed and people are made to fall in line to be worker bees with no thoughts or pleasures of their own.
Well Duh!(January 30, 2022)
I guess this is not news, facebook is trying to control our thoughts and speech.
I've been blocked AGAIN.
Here's what I was trying to say on facebook but they won't accept this reply:
You have a LOT of nerve to tell someone who they can like or not like. What is it your business if someone says they don't like a certain group? You can't block hate. You make it worse when you try.
January 20, 2022
In the late 1940's and 1950's to the 60's 'Flying Saucers' were in the news. B Sci-Fi movies were big then. There was this one picture that was supposed to be a 'documentary' called 'Project Blue Book' showing 'actual' photos and films of UFOs. Many, more than many people either thought they were real or at least were inquisitive about them. People were being abducted and taken onto spaceships and 'probed' and experimented on. The world was a buzz about 'Men from Mars'.
We don't hear much about those hysterics now. A teacher, I think it was in Jr. High school used the phrase Mass Hypnosis. Meaning that it's probably not real or as fearful as so many believe it to be.
Does anyone get the comparison to the China virus of the last 2 years? I don't see many trying to calmly analyze what they are seeing or hearing, it's just a bunch of passing on one rumor or another. One theory or another. Seems to me no one knows. Not even the people who are laughingly supposed to be in charge.
Can't we all just THINK about it?
When are those idiots going to SHUT UP. Although, I guess they are good for a laugh. Who cares what they say? No one takes anything they make up, seriously.
Kamie, biden .... SHUT UP, SHUT UP. Sick of you and not because of the China virus.(January 11, 2022)
Why does anyone want so much power?
January 1, 2022
Democrats, for example. Lousy Leftist Communist leaning Democrats, such as Nancy Pelosi, Adam Shitff, Gruesome Newscum of California, that guy in the White House, biden (the people who order him), Kamie the Commie, and the list goes on. WHY? Why do they have the need to control other peoples lives? Nancy is, as I've heard, filthy rich, she could buy a yacht and sail off to the Mediterranean and relax on some island. Hopefully not on a Greek one since my friend lives in Greece and I wouldn't wish Pelosi on a dog. But why does Nancy continue to badger President Trump and the people who love him when she could retire and live well? What is in her mind that she has to harass people?
Think about that the next time you vote.
Fantasy vs.. Reality?
I watched 'Capricorn One' (1977) on New Year day. Yes, I know one of the 'stars' in real life is a murderer. Listening to some of the lines he says is foretelling the future in a strange way. That aside, the movie shows one thing. True back then, even more true now.
My email to that moron in the White House (Dec.20, 2021. I called but they were closed, will try again later):
You FUCKING bastard, biden.
I know it's not you directly 'cause you are too stupid but the people behind the scenes trying to destroy our USA but you are the front man so someone has to get this message. YOU are and the leftists with you, are the most evil people. At least Castro, Pol Pot, Hitler, and ALL the rest of those who tried to control people were up front, you are creeping into society bit by bit the over throw of a Great Nation.
TRUMP 2024, we'll get it back.
Masks NOT Necessary
Yesterday (December 3, 2021), went into a medical office to get an ultrasound on my leg. Was told to wear a mask. Ok, so I'm wearing a very long and wide scarf around my neck and shoulders, I pull it up and cover my nose and mouth. The cloth is thick and the whole 1/2 of my face is not in view. But NO, that's not acceptable. I go back to the car and get another mask, a Halloween hood that goes over my entire head is very thin material easy to see though cloth in the front of it that covers my entire face, it's black and no one can see me but I can see out. THAT was not questioned. LOL. Then I ask, why? Why do I need a mask? The lady at the desk says, you've got to wear one. I say again Why, they don't help anything? She again does not give me an answer but says, because they tell us to. So I say, Oh, you are 'Just following orders'? Like the Nazis. I bet as young as she looked, she didn't even know what I was talking about. Nuremberg
The Boob in the White House, biden spoke AGAIN for the thousandth time about getting a shot for the China flu.
More government tyranny? In the USA we are supposed to be free, to make our own choices not dictated to. This control over our lives must be stopped. That creep in the White House, biden is not a ruler. We the people are the ones who say what we want. 'My body, my choice.' I can take care of my own health, don't need to be talked down to like a baby. Doesn't that idiot, biden have anything better to do? There must be other world affairs he should be involved with or can't his pea brain handle more than one thing?
Why Facebook won't let me post now. I said this:
The idiot, biden, mentioned electric cars in his 'speech' to the UN. That is NOT going to help anything and could be making pollution worse. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Don't trust him as far as I could throw him and I'd really like to throw him down a ditch.
My California state assemblyman Adrin Nazarian sent a notice in the mail. I wrote back to him .... this:
Today, Oct. 19, you've sent a flyer about 'the vaccine is safe'. SO WHAT!
That's not the point. California is a dictatorship with know nothings such as Newscum ordering people to do things when he doesn't know what he's talking about. This is AMERICA, we shouldn't be forced or intimidated or herded into doing something against OUR judgement or will. BTW, I called your office recently, I think you have someone working there who is a communist, at the least the person is very narrow minded, unwilling to listen to any other point of view. Do we need those kind of people in contact with the public working for an elected official?
It's NOT about being safe from getting any disease, it's about the Mask. Seeing the control that they want over you by you complying with an order.
Just now (Aug. 26) I turned on the TV right as that guy in the white house, biden was walking off stage. The news announcer said he was talking about what happened at the Afghanistan airport. She quoted him as saying, something about "we will get you, we won't stop looking, we won't forget'. and whatever else nonsense. I was thinking, YOU IDIOT biden, we were THERE. What is there to look for? That's why we were there. So, let me get this right, you, YES, YOU biden, caused this problem and for those men to loose their lives and now you want to get the terrorists for what they did. You are an IDIOT, biden.
There's a book by Dr Seuss 'The Sneetches' some had stars on their bellies to tell them apart from the ones who didn't. I think everyone should read that book. In Los Angeles they are planning to force people to carry a card to show they've gotten a shot for the China virus. Otherwise they can't go into a restaurant and other places.This mask and vaccine nonsense is IMO a way for the dictators in our government to divide us and gain power. Because divided we can not fight the corrupt. 8/4/2021
Do you understand this point? Bacteria is everywhere, so are viruses. My conclusion ... The China virus is nothing to get SO hysterical about. (below are notes from a recent science class I've been taking at a local college) July 2021.
101.5 Million Year Old Bacteria Revived
I) Took sediment from 100 meters below the surface under sterile conditions
A) Cracked the sediment in sterile environment and treated the samples in special sterile tubes
II) No evidence of bacterial Activity in sediment
III) Added nutrients and oxygen
A) Microbes activated quickly
B) 99.1% of microbes activated
C) Within 68 days their numbers had quadrupled.
Sunday July 4, 2021. Los Angeles, California
If only the morons shooting off those BOMB like firework really knew why we have the 4th of July. You don't see people leaving The USA, people want to come here (any way they can even illegals). FIGHT the tyranny of the evil Democrats, biden, Kamie the Commie, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Shitt, Bernie Sanders and all those who want to enslave us.
Communism is alive and trying to be well in the United States of America.
Here are the "RULES" for going to the Farmers Market near my house. Here's one of the 'rules' .... [Please limit socializing and head to the designated Exit when you are finished shopping] Ok, the jokes over. The Commie Democrats have had their fun. But they won't give up. This was just in an email sent to me today. Don't SOCIALIZE? What do they mean don't Socialize? Read that another way, DON'T talk among yourselves or form groups that will be subversive to the Commie government.
Farmers Market
Patron COVID19 Safety Precautions:
If you are not feeling well or have recently been unwell, please stay at home.
Don’t forget to wear your masks or face covering
Touch only what you plan on buying.
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after visiting.
Be respectful of others spaces, if there is a wait for a vendor please give room between you and the person in front of you.
Please limit socializing and head to the designated Exit when you are finished shopping
Wash your fruits and vegetables when you get home, do not use cleaning products or other products not meant for consumption
Please leave your dogs and non-service animals at home, they will not be able to enter.
There will be no sampling of products, or hot prepared foods.
Booths will maintain a distance between them, because of this you may find that the vendor you are looking for is in a slightly shifted space
The tables, chairs and umbrellas will not be set-up to avoid lingering; we are asking customers to head home after purchasing their products.
There may be limits to the amount of a food product in high demand, such as eggs. Please buy only what you need, we will be back the following week!
There will be two gates open, one in the back of the lot as the entrance gate and the other as an exit only. You will not be able to enter the designated Exit. Please be kind to the volunteers.
So now there's a statue for george floyd. LOL What's next, one for Al Capone?
WHAT THE HELL IS Juneteenth????? And why should I loose a day of class because of it? DAMN!
I've been taking classes the past year or so, on line. It saves parking fees and having to get dressed. This morning I opened the computer to log onto the school web site and see this note from my teacher:
We WILL be meeting as usual on Monday, June 21st, from 1-4pm.
Have a meaningful Juneteenth Holiday today and a Happy Father's Day ">
Looks like some or more elected officials will be getting a call from me today. Or are they not working either? Whoops, that's a rhetorical question.
On the front of my house I put signs, on my own web site [here] and in public where possible, I say what I want. I dare the commie democrats to keep me quiet Those who are unhappy with what's going on can NOT let the evils, such as biden and the people who control him say what they want without challenging their lies. Speak up. Rebel.
June 17, 2021
May 5, 2021. Can someone explain! If the moron biden wants to raise tax on corporations, how will we [The People] be able to afford to buy anything? As if they won't raise prices on their products. Lately I've noticed everything cost more as it is. What does that fool think he's doing? If you could see me now, steam is coming out of my ears. I HATE that idiot.
Does this make sense to you?
The other day we went to eat at a restaurant, IHOP (International House of Pancakes). After walking through the door and waiting to be seated the hostess comes over and says, we have to put on a mask. I ask Why? Forget exactly what she said but something about a rule. I said, Well, how will we eat? She said, we can take it off to eat. She stood there for a moment waiting for me to put on a mask. Ok, NO WAY! So I pulled the top of my T shirt above my nose. LOL, she gave me a 'look', maybe stunned for a moment but then proceeded to take us to our table. Do you know where it was or long it took to walk there? 2, count 'em, TWO seconds. The table was at the most 5 feet away.
Don't you find some humor in that? LOL, had I taken the time to actually put on a mask it would have taken many more seconds. The 'logic' that is being used, or should I say lack of, is unexplainable.
Why is the government pushing a vaccine on the public? Sounds very strange to keep on badgering and harassing people to wear a mask and get a vaccine. Don't you think the whole world knows by now? It seems excessive. More like propaganda which then one has to think, what is the purpose?
I know one reason, someone (maybe many politicians) have stock in companies that make masks. And maybe drug companies!
CBS, the TV station has gone too far. The last remaining show 'Bull' that I liked has now incorporated political propaganda into the program. Talking about the terrorist group 'black lives matter' as if they've done nothing wrong. Even though the actors have been wearing masks I still watched, ignoring those scenes for not being able to hear because they sound like mumbling but now with the mention of evil people who have no place in American society, I will no longer be watching. 'Bull'
CBS, the TV station has gone too far. The last remaining show 'Bull' that I liked has now incorporated political propaganda into the program. Talking about the terrorist group 'black lives matter' as if they've done nothing wrong. Even though the actors have been wearing masks I still watched, ignoring those scenes for not being able to hear because they sound like mumbling but now with the mention of evil people who have no place in American society, I will no longer be watching. 'Bull'.
I really liked, Law and Order and Swat but no longer watch them. IMO shows should be for entertainment not propaganda. They should be to escape the world for an hour or two, to forget the tension happening in the news but they won't let us be. They have to keep reminding us of the nonsense that's going on, the evil the Left is inflecting on us. How about just a good murder mystery to solve without wearing masks and telling us that terrorists such as black lives matter are doing something helpful when they are trying to destroy our great America.
Black might be beautiful but
White is Wonderful and
Oriental is Outstanding.
April 18, 2021
From the start of this propaganda nonsense about the China virus it sounded strange. The 1st thing was 'Even if you don't feel sick you could have the virus and give it to someone else.' Ok, partly true but that happens all the time for so many illnesses.
Then all the things they came up with all these months to keep people wearing masks. Like one excuse after another.
NOW, even if someone gets the vaccine, STILL they say wear a mask.
You want to know why, because like in N. Korea, Russia, China, and all the other countries where they want to control people and make everyone act and look the same (like when Mao wore those jackets and in other places where there's no color only drab gray outfits, UNIFORM).
Masks make everyone anonymous. No individualism unlike the way Americans and other free countries show their culture.
January 20 2021
Sad day for America.
Well, let's make some fun out of it.
Do you think they will just give biden a pill so he'll suddenly drop dead or do you think they'll tell him, it's time and ask him to take it for the 'good of the party' ( and not the democrat party.)
Go to Hell ......
And take that nasty bitch Kamie the Commie with you.
The Elephant in the room! Or when someone tells you you have a dirt smudge on your coat. Things that are not all that important but become so when you can't stop thinking about them.
I heard on the radio that "All 50 States are preparing for riots" at their capitals." Along with other 'warnings' about events that COULD happen.
What ARE they talking about? Only violence that might happen would be from the Left, pretending to be President Trump supporters. as what did happened on that ONE day last week.
No American patriot or conservative would act in the way those people who broke doors and pushed their way into Congress.
Those people did exactly what the black lives terrorists people did over several days in major cities and caused MORE destruction to other innocents who had no part in that reprehensible behavior.
The 'news' is saying what COULD happen. That's not news, that's putting thoughts in the minds of people to brainwash them, to make people tense and overly concerned when there's no reason to believe it. It's making people worry when there's noting to worry about.
biden is a Bastard
Kamie is a Commie
My post on my Facebook page:
I heard that Free Speech is being suppressed. Some of us will not be able to communicate, at least over the Internet. We must keep in touch. Maybe time to form an underground to keep Freedom alive. My email is or I have my own web site to post messages, hoping that can't be shut down. We should also have other ways to be in touch. That's what they want, to keep people isolated (like in S. Korea, etc.) where they don't know what is going on 'outside'. There are more of us than them. We can't let them win.(January 11, 2021)
We LOVE President Trump
Message to the mayor of Los Angeles (October 2020)
Garshitti, you are full of hot air, you don't know anything. Stopping people from going to work and from shopping is hurting our city MORE than any illness. Most people just as our President Trump recover from the China virus. Why are you and your fellow leftists trying to scare people. I know why. It gives you pleasure to see how you can control the feeble minded who follow orders without thinking.
How can anyone think Biden is intelligent. How can anyone think he would help the country? He says nonsense. He says things that mean nothing and thinks they are a big deal. Who can't see that?
This is like being in the Twilight Zone, literally. I don't use that word casually.
This morning we go to the 99 Ranch Market (a store that sells Oriental food) the guy at the doorway tells me to wear a mask. I say, I can't breath with them. He insists and won't let me in. So I pull my T shirt up to my nose and walk through but take it down as I walk away. A few moments later at the back of the store he goes over to me and says if I don't wear a mask I have to leave. I go over to my friend and we leave.
Next we go to the Supper King, a grocery market. My friend says that they are so strict in there that they even go up to people if too many are in one area and tell them to walk away, come back when it's not so crowded.
I didn't even bother going in. I did stand outside waiting for my friend. While walking around, no one said anything to me but I couldn't help laughing to myself at ALL the people, every single person going to and from their cars with masks on. And me the Only person without one.
What causes people to be SO brainwashed?
Is this common behavior? Don't they see what's going on?
They are being compliant, for WHAT?
PLEASE! Someone explain that to me.
Wearing a mask JUST because someone says everyone must and gives a lame explanation for doing it, than everyone does without questioning or rejecting the order, that's what we call DICTATORSHIP.
Is that what people really want? Because this, now is the test. Those in charge want to order everyone into one way of life, the way it was in Russia and China and so many other countries where doing what you want is restricted, countries that people have tried to escape from.
Is that what you want? Stand up, say NO!
This is something I've wondered about for a long time.
Why are politician making a big deal about health care?
Are so many people THAT sick all the time?
The small number of people who don't have, as they say 'health insurance' don't all need it at the same time. For those who do need care from medical professionals, they can get it.
Someone doesn't like TRUMP signs
This morning when I opened my front door that is what I saw on my lawn. Who has the nerve to go onto the property of another and take down FREE SPEECH?
***************** Can someone tell me why, suddenly for the last few months, EVERYDAY we are hearing the number of people getting one particular disease and dying? It's depressing and unnecessary. Why now? What for? All the years people have gotten pneumonia, colds and various flu and other medical conditions there has never been constant reporting of those conditions. How many people die because of drunk drivers etc. Which BTW drunk driving is preventable. If those in power would make as big a deal about that instead of making an illness that more than 80% of people who get it recover, then less people would suffer from car accidents. We don't hear about the percentage of people who die from heart attacks every day/year. Another mostly preventable medical condition that could be helped if people took better care of their bodies. Yet that happens often but it's not in the news all the time. Why? Why does the media and politicians keep pushing the China virus in our faces?
What is the agenda?
And why do they keep saying the NUMBER of people? Why not percentages? If they gave the actual percentage it would be very small number. But thousands sounds more frightening. If people know the actual percent it would be far less to worry about.
In California this is how they* do it. Take over our lives, make people dependant on the government. Keep us locked up and isolated so when we are let out we'll be grateful for the handouts they are ready to give out. Paid for by ... US from OUR taxes. Then we are no longer prisoners but slaves. Newscum, governor of California is the scum of the Earth.
The Choice is:Do we want to be Free or Controlled?
Do we want to make our own decisions or do we want the government to tell us what to do as if we are too stupid to make up our own minds?
Do we know what is best for ourselves or does someone else who doesn't understand us know what is best?
I'm listening to President Trump give his speech from last night.(I taped it on Aug.27, 2020) He said he will protect our country from threats and dangers. When he is elected again I know he will but that will mean he'll have to send the National Guard or whomever to California. Gov. Newscum is THE danger, he is ruining the economy, making people sick, causing anguish and suffering throughout the state for NO reason. Other than his maniacal want of power and control. We are still part of the USA. We are still Free people. We are not babies who have to be told what to do. Ok, maybe only the whimps who can't think for themselves, otherwise known as democraps. We DON'T need someone who thinks we are stupid and can't manage our own lives.
What is wrong with people?
Can't they think for themselves? I hate to see people posting that they can't do this or that, can't send kids to school, can't go to work. Why, they say? Because of the China virus or as they like to use the word coset 5418 or however it's spelled (I can't spell). China is so much easier and that's the nickname because that's where it came from. Anyway, I hate it that they blame a virus. It's NOT because of an illness. it's because of POLITICIANS. Instead of studying subjects that are senseless, such as womens history or ethnic studies that have no use in daily life. Study Logic, Ethics, Math, real History about the world. Subjects that help one think clearly. Or should help if someone isn't brainwashed.
Politicians are causing the world to 'shut down', it is they who are arbitrarily deciding to direct what citizens can do or NOT do. One has to ask what is their agenda in picking and choosing who can do anything. PEOPLE, don't you understand? It's not any disease that is causing all the problems, it's a few power hungry insane morons turning the world upside down
Something is wrong with Nancy Pelosi.
Not Joking. She is delusional.
Someone PLEASE, explain why anyone thinking clearly would vote for the type of government she and her commie thinking buddies want to push on Americans?
Ok, Biden wants everyone to wear a mask. WHY? Because IF (pray he doesn't) he becomes president, he Can make people do it. Do we need to live in fear of what next someone like him would make us do? Dictators have people shot when they don't comply. Hum!
Kami is a Commie
Biden MUST go. He CAN NOT be elected. He is evil.
A city councilman, Mike Bonin (another one of the idiots) in Los Angeles asked:
How do we keep Los Angeles and our neighborhoods safe?
I say: We hire MORE police and give them MORE money, not less. And without raising taxes. Take away some social programs. Put able bodied people to work, don't give them more money. Single mothers can work too. Or stop having kids they can't afford. Get those bums off the streets, put them to work cleaning weed and trash out of the streets. People have it too easy in America. Too many want the government to take care of them like babies. Speaking of which, KEEP criminals locked up longer, don't let them out on our streets.
(see what others said, go on his Facebook page)
Will someone, any one who would be a voter for Biden and Kami, PLEASE tell me why?
Seriously, I honestly would like to know what the thinking is as to how he and she can do anything to improve your life? YOUR life! Not the life of the bum on the street, not taking money from the 'rich' and give it to someone else but what in your life would be better if they were elected? SO! Who's up for explaining, how will Biden improve YOUR life?
Kami MUST be STOPPED. A Dangerous person.
What is wrong with people who want to remain ignorant? Who, when they are given information refuse to look it because it doesn't fit their point of view.
The Conspiracy
(of the Mask and the China virus):
1. The timing.
Right after the Demorats couldn't get our President Trump out of office.
2. The age group:
Saying that people over 65 are most vulnerable. A large population of people to make worry.
3. Brainwashing:
Getting people to show they are complying by wearing masks unnecessarily.
4. It's OK!
Tell them it's getting better but then it's not. Tempt people then confuse them.
5. Isolate:
Stop people from being together.
6. Education:
Stop teaching kids, close libraries. Cut off communication.
7. Dictators:
Governors making 'rules' that confine people. Laws that control what people (free citizens of the USA) have to follow that don't make sense.
8. Reporting:
Erroneous information:
Make up data so things sound worse than they are to scare everyone.
9. Fear:
Cause fear so that people turn against each other.
10. Logic:
Judge Judy says "If it doesn't make sense, it's not true" So, then if someone is not sick, why wear a mask? Their answer is, 'You don't know if you have the virus. So you must wear the mask to protect others.' Does that make sense? Not to me!
About the China virus:
The Left and Demorats want to keep people under their control. The more fear they cause the more they can force people to do what they want.
That's visible way they know they are taking charge of the mindless morons who don't think things through.
One would think that people who read a lot and especially mystery stories
would be more aware of what's around them. But no.
Many of them do not analyze issues or think clearly.
The terrorist, those who are running wild though the streets,
destroying property. Threatening innocent people.
If they think something is wrong with the government,
they are not making things better by showing
how low class and ignorant they are.
Governor Gruesome of California
is a bastard.
The mayor of Los Angeles, Mr. Yoga Pants
is not very intelligent,
in fact he's dumber than a rock.
California is an awful place to live.
People who wear masks look stupid.
Caveat emptor
You all know the story of 'SleepingBeauty', right?
Ok, Democrats are the King and Queen. Their daughter, Beauty is us, the citizens. The Prince should be Liberty.
Here's what happened, all because of a potential threat from the Wicked Witch the King ordered all the spinning wheels taken away and hidden so Beauty would never fall under the spell from the Wicked Witch.
One day Beauty found a spinning wheel and didn't know what it was. She touched it, pricked her finger and 'died'. Until she was saved by the Prince.
The point is if the King would have educated Beauty, told her what a spinning wheel was she would have been informed and could have made the logical choice not to touch the wheel. Thus avoiding disaster.
If schools would educate people on how to be independent and not to expect the government to pay for everything we wouldn't have to give as much of our earnings (tax money) to ignorant people. The country would run better and the American Dream would be accessible to more people, we'd have less problems.
Medical Questions
I'm trying to find out why with the China virus, a cut off age group is at 65? Why is that age group supposed to be more vulnerable?
And, if someone is wearing a mask then why stand far apart also. Shouldn't it be one of the other?
And is a mask REALLY necessary?
If someone is not ill why do they need a mask?
And, if someone is in good health wouldn't they have less chance of becoming sick or have severe symptoms?
If 80% of people get over this illness, why are politicians and the media making a big deal of it?